Capacity market: leftovers for Ostrołęka C

Capacity market: leftovers for Ostrołęka C

Support for energy producers in the form of the capacity market in the first year may cost up to PLN 7.45 billion, however mainly gas power plants are the recipients. For Enea and Energa "there will be leftovers". Energa has repeatedly emphasized that payments from the capacity market are necessary for the profitability of the Ostrołęka C project.

Social PRE_COP24: climate change denialism and defense of coal

Social PRE_COP24: climate change denialism and defense of coal "business as usual"

Soon it will be too late, a tragedy awaits us, the apocalypse (...) there is no other way than quitting coal, oil and gas burning, only decarbonization - appeal authorities in the field of environmental protection. Poland not only doesn’t take action to stop climate change, but it also has a completely different point of view. Is Poland going to deny the climate crisis at the December COP24 Climate Summit in Katowice?

Another CEO of Energa resigns after less than a month

Another CEO of Energa resigns after less than a month

On August 1 this year, Energa's supervisory board removed Arkadiusz Siwko from the post of CEO without giving reasons for this decision. The rotation in the main position is huge, it is already the seventh change in the last three years. At the news about the next cadre change Energa shares lost 2%.


"Green light" to shine in Ostrołęka

On 5 August this year in Ostrołęka, the "Green Light" social campaign begins. Thanks to the Society for Earth (Towarzystwo na rzecz Ziemi), Workshop for All Beings (Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot) and the Green Institute (Zielony Instytut), up to 30 least-affluent families in the Ostrołęka poviat (Mazovia province) will receive energy-efficient LED lighting. In this way, the organizations draw attention to the problem of energy poverty, which can be significantly reduced by increasing energy efficiency.

Worst-case scenario made real - Energa's rating drops because of Ostrołeka C

Worst-case scenario made real - Energa's rating drops because of Ostrołeka C

Signing of a contract for the construction of Ostrołęka C power plant hits Energa. EuroRating agency has downgraded Energa's credit rating from BBB to BBB- and recommends giving up this project.

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